Implementing Entrepreneurship Competencies in the Higher Education Curriculum with a specific focus on in-service teacher training (Edupreneurship Competencies TOT)
سبتمبر 5, 2019, 11:53 ص

University of Duhok/Training and Development Center in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH will implement an“Entrepreneurship Competencies (ToT). The programm is four months training course starting from April 2019 until end of July 2019. 

The programm aims to implement the entrepreneurship and innovative learning concepts for the development of entrepreneurial skills in higher education students with an innovative action learning methodology approach with a new curricula and contents.

Involved Partner: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Fund: $47,731.67

Beneficiary Party: Duhok Governorate University Lecturers

Number of Beneficiaries: 99

Programm Duration: April 1st, 2019- July 31st, 2019

Contact Details: +964 750 458 2358