ستافێ ئەکادیمی

                                        شيماء سليمان محمد
شيماء سليمان محمد None
بايولوجي كه ردى
    • M.Sc. ( Molecular Biology ) / Department of Biology / College of Education / University of  Zakho 2012.
    • B.Sc. (Microbiology) / Department of Biology / College of Science / University of Mosul. 2005
    1. Nasir A S Al-Allawi · Sana D Jalal · Farida F Nerwey · Galawezh O O Al-Sayan · Shaima S M Al-Zebari · Awny A Alshingaly · Raji D Markous · Jaladet M S Jubrael · Hanan Hamamy2012. Sickle Cell Disease in the Kurdish Population of Northern Iraq. Hemoglobin, Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. ISSN: 0363-0269 .
    2. Mohammed Dhahir Ali · Ameer I Badi · Shaima S M Al-Zebari ·Nasir A S Al-Allawi.2014.Response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia: experience from a west Asian developing country. International Journal of Hematology. ISSN 0925-5710 Int J Hematol DOI 10.1007/s12185-014-1627-6.
    3. Dhia M Suleiman . Jamal B Mohammed . Shaima S M Al-Zebari  Adel A  Issa .The  spectrum of MEFV gene mutations among Kurdish patients suspected to have Familial Mediterranean Fever from Duhok/Iraq. University Duhok Journal..(2016)19-1.
    4. Shaima S. Mohammed, Rana A. Al-Timimy, Jinan N. Hassan and Najat T. Mahmood.2018. Studying the association of the MTHFR C677T, Factor V(Leiden)G1961A and Prothrombin G20210A gene mutations with recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) in Duhok province. Science Journal of University of Zakho.

    • Studying common mutation of the methylenetetrahydroolate reductase (MTHFR) genes which are considered risk factors for recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA).
    • Study the effect of type 2 diabetes on vit D receptor.

    1. Researcher in the Scientific Researcher Center / Medical Biotechnology Research Lab. / Faculty of Science / University of Duhok .
    2. Teaching a practical course " Medical Bacteriology "and " Microbial Physiology "for 4th year students in the Department of Biology / Faculty of Science / University of Duhok . (2015- 2016).

    3.Teaching a practical course "Food Microbiology "for 4th year students in the Department of Biology / Faculty of Science / University of Duhok . (2016- 2017).

    4.Teaching a practical course "Microbiology "for 2th year students in the Department of Biology / Faculty of Science / University of Duhok . (2017- 2018).

  • No available.

  • Workshops and Training

    • Training in Princess Haya Biotechnology center/Jordan University of Science and Technology(Basic   polymerase chain reaction course).08-19  of June-2014 Jordan .
    • Training in Princess Haya Biotechnology center/Jordan University of Science and Technology(Intermediate  polymerase chain reaction course). 15-26 of February-2015 Jordan .

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