الكادر التدريسي

                                        د. سيامند نزار حسن
د. سيامند نزار حسن Teaching Staff
Food Science Technology, Poultry Science (Quality of Chicken Meat)
  • PhD Food Science/Technology, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom.
    MSc Food Production Management, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.
    BSc Animal Production, University of Duhok, Iraq.

    1. Siamand N. H., (2009) M.Sc. Thesis entitled “A Study of Damage to a Poultry Carcass Post Chilling” University of Nottingham, UK.
    2. Ihsan, T. T., Siamand, Nizar Hassan., Merkhan, M. M., Shawkat, A. M. S., Gulizar, I. A., Asia, M. H., Nareen, A. S., (2011) A comparative study of some productive traits in commercial poultry farms in Duhok region. KSU Journal of National Science, 14 (2).
    3. Ihsan, T. T., Siamand Nizar Hassan., Merkhan, M. M., Shawkat, A. M. S., Gulizar, I. A., Asia, M. H., (2011) Effects of various stocking density on productive performance and some physiological traitsof broiler chicks. Research opinions in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 1(2), 89-93.
    4. Hassan, S. N., Taylor, K. D. A. and Taylor, E. (2015) Quality assessment of chicken meat using chemical and textural methods (abstract) on the XXI European Symposium on the Quality of PoultryMeat and the XVI European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Eggs Products (Egg Meat 2015).
    5. Siamand N. H. (2017) PhD. Thesis on the quality of chicken meat entitled “The effect of storage conditions on the quality of chicken meat” University of Lincoln, UK.

  • Ongoing research projects investigating some of the Animal blood serum effects on broiler eggs and their chicks (performance, immune and quality index).

  • - 2022 started as member and teaching staff at the department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok, Iraq.
    - 2012- August 2022: Working as a lecturer and researcher for the Department of Animal Production, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok, Iraq.
    - 2010-2011: Teaching lectures at the Department of Animal Production, University of Duhok in (Poultry Product Technology and Animal Hygiene) subjects.
    - Octuber 2003-Dec 2007:- College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, IRAQ, Teaching and research assistance, demonstrating practical’s (poultry production in practice, meat production, poultry nutrition). Providing efficient information on how to deal with practical aspects, understanding of the student practical work and improve their progress. Responsible for Supervising and maintaining lab equipment and its application (Microscopes, spectrophotometer).

  • - July 2005 - July 2006:- student summer training course, Assistant field Supervisor. Organized the student technical field work and strengthened their teamwork abilities to resolve Problems regarding Agriculture and Animal production field.
    - June 2009- August 2009:- Working in a placement Job for Faccenda Poultry processing Company/Brackley/United Kingdom.
    - 2008-2009: Successfully completed and awarded MSc in Food Production Management from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (Scholarship granted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Baghdad, IRAQ).
    - 2012-2018: Successfully completed PhD program in Food Science/Technology from the University of Lincoln/UK.
    - worked on different applications and scientific lab methods as part of both MSc and PhD studies in the United Kingdom that covered several food quality topics such Microbiology, Cellular RNA and DNA, food appearance and texture…etc.

    - April 2014: World Poultry Science Association (UK branch) Annual Meeting Conference held at University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
    - May 2015: XVI European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, XXI European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat held in Nantes, France.
    - 15th and 16th April 2021: World Poultry Science Association (UK branch) Annual Poultry Science Symposium, Online Meeting hosted by Nottingham Trent University.

    Training and Workshops
    - Jan 2008- Jul 2008:- Successfully completed an English Language course in CastleCollege/Nottingham/United Kingdom.
    - 2008: Successfully passed IELTS exam with a total grade of 6.0 taken place in Castle College and organized by the University of Sheffield, UK.
    - Aug 2008- Sep 2008:- Joined an Academic English Course in CELE Center/University of Nottingham/United Kingdom.
    - 2008: Achieved a level 2 HACCP certificate from the school of bioscience, University of Nottingham, UK.
    - October 2012: Completed a program in Auditing from the National center for food manufacturing, University of Lincoln, UK.
    - March 2013: Attended a (Graduate Teacher Education Workshop) at the graduate school, University of Lincoln, UK.
    - June 2013: Successfully finished a short course on sensory evaluation from the National center for food manufacturing (NCFM) University of Lincoln, UK.
    - July 2014: Attended a short course (Making the most of conferences and networking) at the University of Lincoln, UK. 6
    - November 2014: Successfully completed (Internal Auditor Training Course) from the National center for food manufacturing, University of Lincoln, UK.
    - November 2014: Joined a workshop in (Career enhancement: Social media) at the University of Lincoln, UK.
    - June 2016: Successfully completed (level 3 Award in HACCP for Food Manufacturing) from the national center for food manufacturing, University of Lincoln, UK.
    - June 2016: Satisfactory and successfully completed a program in TACCP (Threat Analysis Critical and Control Point TACCP and Vulnerability Analysis and Critical Control Point VACCP) from the national center for food manufacturing, University of Lincoln, UK.
    - October 2017- January 2018: Successfully completed the academic training and teaching methods, University of Duhok, IRAQ.
    - July 2018 – September 2018: Successfully selected by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for a Fulbright Grant (Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program) at the University of Central Oklahoma, USA.
    - 20th – 27th June 2020: International Webinar ‘Science and Academic Teaching in Times of Crises’ organized by the Teaching University of Dortmund/ University of Graz (Germany) and University of Mosul (Iraq).
    - 9th January – 3rd 2023: Successfully completed an extensive practical training in Poultry Production Technology at Aeres Training Centre International, in Barneveld, Netherlands.

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