ستافێ ئەکادیمی

                                        د. عبد الجبار احسان سعيد علي
د. عبد الجبار احسان سعيد علي None
پروفیسور ھاریکار
vegetable production
  • PhD .Vegetable production 1987 Agriculture  college  University of Bucarest  Romania .

    1. Effect of Bulb size and density onion (Allium cepa l.) seed yield .
    2. Effect of planting dates on vegetative and quantitative characters of two variety of pea plants (pisum sativum.)
    3. The effect of gibberellic acid and phosphorus on the efficiency of root nodes and some vegetative characteristics of pea plants (pisum sativum.)
    4. Effect of sowing dates, topping and some growth regulators on growth, pods & seeds yield of okra. (Abelmoschus Esculentus L.M.)
    5. Effect of topping, Humic acid, mulching colour plastic and their interaction on vegetative growth and seed yield of Okra ( Abelmosechus esculentus L.).
    6. Response of four cultivars of (Solantum tuberosum L) to different concentration of humic acid under plastic houses conditions.
    7. Effect of different concentrations of Humic acid on vegetative growth and green pods of two cultivars of Peas (Pisum sativum L.)
    8. The Effect of colour plastic mulches on growth, yield ,quality of two hybrids of squash (Cucurbta pepo L.)
    9. Evaluation of Apical Pinching, Humic Acid and Mulch on different characters of Okra (Abelmoschus Esculantus L,)

  • Vegetable Production Research

  • 20 years

  •   9647504577485

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