Academic Staff

                                        Ahmed Jumaa Ahmed
Ahmed Jumaa Ahmed Department of Biology
Assistant Lecturer
Immunology and Allergy
    • B. Sc. Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Good 05/07/2009 University of Duhok.
    • M. Sc. Immunology and Allergy V. good 10/12/2013 The University of Nottingham (England).
    1. Gene Therapy Approaches - Qubahan Academic Journal - Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
    2. Molecular Structure, Function and Therapeutic Entities of Immunoglobulin - European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine - Vol. 09, Issue 03, 2022
    3. Endoscopic screening and Serological diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori among symptomatic individuals - Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research (KJAR) - Print-ISSN: 2411-7684 | Electronic-ISSN: 2411-7706
    4. Gastroduodenal Endoscopic Findings and Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori among Suspected Individuals - Kirkuk Univ. J. Sci. Stud. - Vol. 17, Iss. 3, p 1-6, 2022
    5. Sero-epidemiological Study of Toxoplasma gondii among Pregnant Women in Akre City - Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research (KJAR) - Print-ISSN: 2411-7684 | Electronic-ISSN: 2411-7706
    6. Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Specific Toxoplasma Gondii Antibody Among Pregnant Women - Journal of University of Duhok - Vol. 23, No.2 (Agri. and Vet. Sciences), Pp 131-139, 2020

  • Immunology and Parasitology

  • 2015– 2016

    • Assist. Lecturer in Course on General Entomology Lab (3rd class, Undergraduate study). Salahaddin University/ College of Education/ Department of Biology.

    ·         Assist. Lecturer in Course on Molecular Biology Lab (4th class, Undergraduate study). Salahaddin University/ College of Education/ Department of Biology.


    ·      Assist. Lecturer in Course on Plant Anatomy Lab (2nd class) University of Duhok/ College of Education- Akre/ Department of Biology.


    ·      Assist. Lecturer in Course on Genetics Lab (2nd class) University of Duhok/ College of Education- Akre/ Department of Biology.


    ·      Assist. Lecturer in Course on Plant Taxonomy Lab (3rd class) University of Duhok/ College of Education- Akre/ Department of Biology.

    ·      Assist. Lecturer in Course on Molecular Biology Lab (3rd class) University of Duhok/ College of Education- Akre/ Department of Biology.


    ·      Assist. Lecturer in Course on Plant Taxonomy Lab (3rd class) University of Duhok/ College of Education- Akre/ Department of Biology.

    ·      Assist. Lecturer in Course on Molecular Biology Lab (3rd class) University of Duhok/ College of Education- Akre/ Department of Biology.

    ·      Assist. Lecturer in Course on Genetics Lab (2nd class) University of Duhok/ College of Education- Akre/ Department of Biology.

  • Courses

    July15- August 30, 2009

    Computer Training Course

    January 11- September 14, 2012

    English Language Course ELTU (9 months) – University of Leicester-UK

    September 4-October 15, 2014

    Teaching Method Course

    Desember16-20, 2015

    Workshop on SPSS program

    July1-22, 2018

    Computer Training Course


    2009 – Present

    Kurdistan Teachers Union

    2009 – Present

    Biology Syndicate of Kurdistan

    IT Skills

    Very good computer skills, Word, PowerPoint, Internet, Email and Excel

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