ستافێ ئەکادیمی

                                        د. أحمد عبدالخالق طاهر
د. أحمد عبدالخالق طاهر ____________________________
Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  • PhD in Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

    BSc in Physics, University of Mosul, Iraq

  • 1) Tahir, A. AK., and Anghelus, S., (2022), “Improving Iris Recognition Accuracy Using Gabor Kernels with Near-Horizontal Orientations”, International Journal of Advances in Signal and Image Sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 25-39.

    2) Tahir, A. AK., Dawod, S. S., and Anghelus, S., (2021), “An iris recognition system based on a new method of iris localization”, International Journal of Open Information Technologies, Vol. 9, No. 7, 2021, pp. 67-76.

    3) A. A. Mustafa, A. A., and Tahir A. AK., “A New Finger-Vein Recognition System Using the Complete Local Binary Pattern and The Phase Only Correlation”, International Journal on Signal and Image Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2021, pp. 38-56.

    4) Tahir, A. AK., and Anghelus, S., (2020), “An accurate and fast method for eyelid detection” International Journal of Biometrics (IJBM), Vol. 12, No. 2, Pp. (163-178).

    5) Mohammed A. I., and Tahir A. AK., 2020, “A New Optimizer for Image Classification Wide ResNet (WRN)”, Academic Journal of Nawroz University (AJNU), Vol. 9, No. 4, Pp. (1-13). https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v9n4a858

    6) Mustafa A. A., and Tahir A. AK., 2020, “Improving the Performance of Finger-Vein Recognition System Using A New Scheme of Modified Preprocessing Methods”, Academic Journal of Nawroz University (AJNU), Vol. 9, No. 3, Pp. (397-409).https://doi.org/10.25007/ajnu.v9n3a855

    7) Mohammed A. I., and Tahir A. AK., 2020, “A New Image Classification System Using Deep Convolutional Network and Modified AMSgrad Optimizer”, J. Duhok Univ., Vol. 22, No. 2, Pp. (89-101).

    8) Tahir, A. AK., and Anghelus, S., “Human Biometrics and Biometric Recognition Systems; An Overview (BIOMETRICA UMANĂ ȘI SISTEMELE DE RECUNOȘTERI BIOMETRICE; O IMAGINE DE ANSAMBLU)”, A XIX-a International Conference on Multidisciplinary, "Professor Dorin Paul - Romanian hydropower founder", Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September (20-21), 2019, Revista "ȘTIINȚĂ ȘI INGINERIE", Vol. 35/2019, Pp (431-446), http://stiintasiinginerie.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/52.-HUMAN-BIOMETRICS-AND-BIOMETRIC-RECOGNITION-SYSTEMS-AN-OVERVIEW-Ahmed-AK.-TAHIR-Stelu%C8%9Ba-ANGHELU%C8%98.pdf

    9) Tahir A. AK. And Anghelus Steluta, “A New Method of Eyelid Detection for Iris Recognition (O NOUĂ METODĂ DE DETECTARE A PLEOAPELOR PENTRU SISTEMUL DE RECUNOAȘTERE A IRISULUI)”, The XVIII International Conference on Multidisciplinary, "Professor Dorin Paul - Romanian hydropower founder", Cluj, Romania, June (1-2), 2018, Revista "ȘTIINȚĂ ȘI INGINERIE", Vol. 33/2018, Pp (171 - 184).

    10) Tahir A. AK. And Al-Dohuki Shamal, “Image Fusion For Resolution Improvement Of Multispectral Satellite Images (FUZIUNEA IMAGINII PENTRU ÎMBUNĂTĂȚIREA IMAGINILOR MULTISPECTRALE PRIN SATELIT)”, The XVII International Conference on Multidisciplinary, "Professor Dorin Paul - Romanian hydropower founder", Sebes, Romania, June (2-3), 2017, Revista "ȘTIINȚĂ ȘI INGINERIE", Vol. 31/2017, Pp (397 - 412).

    11) Tahir A. AK. And Bindian A. I., “Iris Localization for biometric based person Identification”, the XVI International Conference on Multidisciplinary, "Professor Dorin Paul - Romanian hydropower founder", Sebes , Romania, June (10-11), 2016, Revista "ȘTIINȚĂ ȘI INGINERIE", Vol. 30/2016, Pp (215 - 224).

    12) Tahir A. AK., “Integrating artificial neural network and classical methods for unsupervised classification of optical remote sensing data”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012,2012:165 doi:10.1186/1687-6180-2012-165.

    13) Tahir A. AK., “A Multiple Classifier System for Supervised Classification of Remotely Sensed Data”, J. Duhok Univ., Vol.14, No.1 (Pure and Eng. Sciences), Pp 260-273, 2011.

    14) Tahir A. AK., “A System Based on Ratio Images and Quick Probabilistic Neural Network for Continuous Cloud Classification”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 49, No. 12, Pp 5008-5015, DECEMBER 2011.

    15) Tahir A. AK, “Improving Spatial features of Multispectral Satellite Images using Wavelet Transform”, The First scientific Conference of the Scientific research council, High Education Ministry, Baghdad, 14th- MAY-2002.

    16) Tahir A. AK., “Interactive Specification of Multispectral Dataset Transformation Through 3D Display of Feature Space”, The First Iraqi Conference of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Society of Iraq, Baghdad, OCTOBER-1997.

    17) Tahir A. AK. and Al-Barhawi D. H., “An Interactive Software for Satellite Image Filtering Using Fourier Domain”, Al Rafidain Science Journal,Vol.13, No.1, Published by the University of Mosul, 2001.

    18) Tahir A. AK. and Esa H. K., “A PC-Based Image Processing Software”, Education and Science Journal, No.49, Published by the University of Mosul, 2001.

    19) Tahir A. AK., “Generation and Display of False Colour Composite Using Personal- Computer’, Al Rafidain Science Journal,Vol.12, No.2, Published by the University of Mosul,2000.

  • Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

    Biometric Recognition Systems

    Remote Sensing

    Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks

    Image Classification

  • Teaching Experience/ Undergraduate and Postgraduate:

    1) Teaching Digital Image Processing BSC students of Computer Science.

    2) Teaching Computer Graphics to the 3rd year students at computer science department.

    3) Teaching Numerical Analysis to the 3rd year students of Computer Science and Physics.

    4) Teaching programming languages (Fortran77, Fortran90, Basic, C++) to the first- and second-year students.

    5) Teaching Wave Motion to the second and third year students at Physics department.

    6) Teaching Analytical Mechanics to the third and third year students at Physics department.

    7) Teaching Physics of Remote Sensing to the 3rd and 4th year students as an optional course to the third and fourth year students at Physics Department.

    8) Teaching Calculus to the first-year student at Physics department.

    9) Teaching Advance Calculus to the second-year student at Physics department.

    10) Teaching Differential Equations to the second-year student at Physics department.

    11) Teaching Numerical Analysis to the 2nd-year students of Computer Science and Physics.

    12) Teaching Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Courses to MSC and PHD students, Computer Science Department and Institute of Remote Sensing Institute / University of Mosul.

    13) Teaching Biometric measurement recognition to MSC students, computer science department.

    14) Teaching Artificial Neural Network to PHD students of Computer Science and Physics Departments.

    15) Teaching Special Topics in Digital Image Processing to MSC students of Computer Science.

    16) Teaching Remote Sensing course to MSC and PHD students at Remote Sensing Institute / University of Mosul.

    17) Teaching Remote Sensing course to MSC and PHD students of Physics Department/ University of Duhok.

  • PhD Thesis

    1) Thesis Title: Vectorization of Remote Sensing Data for GIS Use.

    Student Name: Dhya Hazim Al-Barhawee

    Place: University of Mosul/ College of Mathematics and Computer Science/ Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2006

    MSc Thesis

    1) Thesis Title: Improving The Performance Of Finger-Vein Recognition Using Modified Methods Of Preprocessing and Feature Extraction.

    Student Name: Ahmed A. Mustafa

    Place: University of Duhok / College of Science / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2019

    2) Thesis Title: Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

    Student Name: Arman I. Mohammed

    Place: University of Duhok / College of Science / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2019

    3) Thesis Title: An Iris recognition Approach for Person Identification and Verification.

    Student Name: Akar Abdulsalam Salih

    Place: University of Duhok / College of Science / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2016

    4) Thesis Title: A Low Cost Eye Tracking System For Computer Operation by Disabled


    Student Name: Sarkar Abdulsalam Salih

    Place: University of Duhok / College of Science / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2016

    5) Thesis Title: Improving Spatial Resolution of Satellite Images Through Image Fusion Techniques.

    Student Name: Shamal M. Ameen Taha

    Place: University of Duhok/College of Education / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2008

    6) Thesis Title: Investigation and Development of Iris Localization Techniques.

    Student Name: Ahmed Ismail Bindian

    Place: University of Duhok/ College of Education / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2008

    7) Thesis Title: Automatic Road Extraction From IKONAS Image.

    Student Name: Jiyan A. Younis Al-Butany

    Place: University of Duhok/ College of Education / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2008

    8) Thesis Title: Identification and Classification of Clouds through Satellite Images Using Visual Interpretation and Integrated Classification Methods.

    Student Name: Zobaida Shaheen Saif-Aldin

    Place: University of Duhok/ College of Education / Physics Dept.

    Year: 2006

    9) Thesis Title: Auto Recognition Of Lineaments & Drainage System Using Satellite Images.

    Student Name: Alhan Anwer Younes

    Place: University of Mosul /College of Mathematics and Computer Science / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2005

    10) Thesis Title: Modeling of The Winter Rainful In The Mountain Destrict of Iraq Using Remote Sensing Data.

    Student Name: Ahmed Adbulghafur Khattab

    Place: University of Tekrit/ College of Education/Department of Geography.

    Year: 2005

    11) Thesis Title: An Automatic Software System For Earth Cover Type Identification From Satellite Images.

    Student Name: Ma’n Abdulkhalik Al-Bag’oa

    Place: University of Mosul / College of Mathematics and Computer Science / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2004

    12) Thesis Title: Land Cover Change Detection of Balad Using Image Processing Methods

    Student Name: Ruqaya Ahmed Al-Ani

    Place: University of Tekrit/ College of Education/ Department of Geography

    Year: 2004

    13) Thesis Title: Radar Image Correction For Speckle Noise.

    Student Name: Hadher Ibrahim Al-Jebury

    Place: University of Mosul / College of Mathematics and Computer Science / Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2004

    14) Thesis Title: Integration Between Classical & Neural Network Approaches For Unsupervised Classification of Remote Sensing Data.

    Student Name: Lubna T. Hmedi Al-Kuhla

    Place: University of Mosul / College of Mathematics and Computer Science/ Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2004

    15) Thesis Title: Using Image of Satellites as Data Base in Spatial Analysis of Geographical Information System.

    Student Name: Yaseen Dawood Al-Zubaidy

    Place: University of Mosul / College of Mathematics and Computer Science/ Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 2004

    16) Thesis Title: Construction of a Proposed System of Multiple Classification For Remote Sensing Data.

    Student Name: Kanar M. Sami Al-Nuaimy

    Place: University of Mosul/High Institute for Remote Sensing.

    Year: 2002

    17) Thesis Title: Image Recognition Using Pattern Vector Entropy And Invariant Moments

    Student Name: Fadwa Subhi Mustafa Al-Azzo

    Place: University of Mosul/High Institute for Remote Sensing.

    Year: 2002

    18)Thesis Title: An Interactive Software For Image Registration Using New Algorithms.

    Student Name: Abeer Adil Al-Allaf

    Place: University of Mosul/High Institute for Remote Sensing.

    Year: 2002

    19) Thesis Title: Multispectral Image Fusion Using Wavelet Transform.

    Student Name: Abdul-Rahman Ramzi Qub’a

    Place: University of Mosul/High Institute for Remote Sensing.

    Year: 2001

    20) Thesis Title: An Integrated Software For Remote Sensing Data Classification.

    Student Name: Turkan Ahmed Khaleel

    Place: University of Mosul/High Institute for Remote Sensing.

    Year: 2001

    21) Thesis Title: A PC Based Multispectral Image Processing Software For Remote Sensing Applications.

    Student Name: Hayder Khaleel Eesa

    Place: University of Mosul/University of Mosul/College of Science/ Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 1998

    22) Thesis Title: An Interactive Software For Satellite Image Filtering Using Fourier Domain.

    Student Name: Dhya Hazim Al-Barhawee

    Place: University of Mosul/University of Mosul/College of Science/ Computer Science Dept.

    Year: 1998

  • Membership and Academic Activities

    1) Member in several journals and societies

    • IEEE
    • EURASIP Journal on Image and Video processing
    • Iraqi Society for Remote Sensing
    • Kurdistan Physicists Syndicate

    2) Reviewer of the following journals:

    • Journal of IEEE Transaction of Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
    • Journal of Intelligent System (JISys).
    • International Journal of Remote Sensing in UK.
    • IET-Image Processing
    • Al-Rafidain Journal in University of Mosul.
    • Iraqi National Geology Journal.
    • Duhok University Journal.
    • Proceedings of Zakho conference on science.

    3) Leadership of academic committees (Scientific Committee and Postgraduate Committee) at the department of Computer Science, 2011-2018.

    4) Committee Board Member for the College of Science/University of Duhok, 2011-2018.

    5) Member of the Scientific Committee and Postgraduate Committee at Physics department, 2018-2021.

    6) Member of the Scientific Committee and Postgraduate Committee at the department of Computer Science, 2021-2022.

    Training Courses and Workshops

    1) Three Day International Workshop on Time Series Analysis in R-programming organized by Dept. of Research & Publications, A2Z EduLearningHub LLP on 25th, 26th & 27th July 2022.

    2) One year training Course on computer Hardware and Software in Digital Equipment Corporation Institute (DEC) in West Germany 1983-1984.

    3) One month training Course on the Control Panel of the Optical Telescope in 1984 at Seize Company in West Germany, NOV.-1984.

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