الكادر التدريسي

                                        د. شميران سلمان اسماعيل البامرني
د. شميران سلمان اسماعيل البامرني رئيس قسم
مدرس / رئيس القسم
طفليات الجزئية
  • 2020 دكتوراه في الطفليات الجزئيه, جامعة دهوك, كلية الطب البيطري, كردستان, العراق

    2010 ماجستر في الاحياء المجهرية / الطقليات الطبية, جامعة دهوك, كلية الطب , كردستان, العراق

    2007 بكالوريس في جراحة والطب الباطني البيطرية,جامعة دهوك, كلية الطب البيطري, كردستان, العراق

    1. Molecular identification of new circulating Hyalomma asiaticum asiaticum from sheep and goats in Duhok governorate, Iraq (https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5TtYsI0AAAAJ&citation_for_view=5TtYsI0AAAAJ:ufrVoPGSRksC)

    2.MORPHOLOGCAL AND MOLECULAR STUDY OF HARD TICKS SPECIES THAT INFESTED SMALL RUMINANTS IN DUHOK GOVERNORATE, KURDISTAN REGION, IRAQ (https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5TtYsI0AAAAJ&citation_for_view=5TtYsI0AAAAJ:_FxGoFyzp5QC)

    3.Detection of Pathogenic Strains of Entamoeba histolytica in Children Using ELISA Technique in Duhok (https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5TtYsI0AAAAJ&citation_for_view=5TtYsI0AAAAJ:0EnyYjriUFMC)

    4.Diagnostic methods and protocols used in investigating Toxoplasma gondii in humans: A review (https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5TtYsI0AAAAJ&citation_for_view=5TtYsI0AAAAJ:0EnyYjriUFMC)

    5.Potential of Anisakiasis in Foodborne Zoonosis (https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5TtYsI0AAAAJ&citation_for_view=5TtYsI0AAAAJ:3fE2CSJIrl8C)

    1. In Vitro Anthelmintic Efficacy of Haloxylon salicornicum Leaves Extract using Adult Heamonchus contortus Worms. (https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5TtYsI0AAAAJ&citation_for_view=5TtYsI0AAAAJ:kNdYIx-mwKoC)

  • □ Teaching the undergraduate courses in Medical Parasitology/ Medical Laboratories

    Department/College of Health Sciences/UOD

    □ Teaching the undergraduate courses in Food Microbiology and Toxicology/Medical

    Laboratories Department/ College of Health Sciences/UOD

    □Teaching the undergraduate courses in General Biology/ Medical Laboratories and Anesthesia Department/ College of Health Sciences/UOD

    □ Teaching the Postgraduate courses in Medical Parasitology/ Medical Laboratories

    Department/ /College of Health Sciences/UOD

    □ Taught the undergraduate courses in Veterinary Parasitology (2011-2020)/College of

    VeterinaryMedicine/ UOD

    □ Taught undergraduate courses in Medical Parasitology (2014-2015)/Shekhan Polytechnic

    Institute/ College of Health (Medical Laboratory Technology and Community Health Department)

    □Taught the undergraduate course Clinical parasitological diagnosis (2011-2013).

    □ Taught the undergraduate course in clinical Parasitology (2017-2018), Medical Lab

    Technology/Shekhan Polytechnic Institute/ College of Health

    □Taught the undergraduate courses in summer training course (2011- 2013).

  • □ Participated in the First International Scientific Agricultural Conference in Kurdistan Faculty of

    Agriculture, University of Duhok (12-4-2012)

    □ Participated in a Technical workshop on Basic Molecular Techniques, at the College of Veterinary

    Medicine, University of Duhok (17-20/5/2012), research center

    □Participated in American Language Academy (ALA), from February to August 2013.

    □ Completed a course in Teaching Methods for higher education from training and

    development center, University of Duhok (February to April 2014)

    □ Participated in the 1st International Veterinary Conference in Kurdistan, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Duhok (14-15/5/2014)

    □Participated in the PCR workshop 10-11.5.2015 at the College of Vet. Medicine, research center

    □Participated in 5th Mini poultry conference/veterinary Director 19.12.2017 at Rixos Duhok

    □ Participated in PCR essentials and Applications workshop 22.4.2018 at the College of Vet.

    Medicine, Duhok Research Centre

    □ Participated in the training course on Basic Concepts in Bioinformatics and Databases 0n 9- 24/

    July/2018 at Duhok Research Center/College of Vet. Medicine/UOD

    □ Participated in a workshop under the title Long Documents Creation and Referencing on 14-

    15/10/2018 at Duhok Research Center/College of Vet. Medicine/UOD

    □Complete a course of English Language proficiency with advance level from March 39, 2019 To May 9, 2019

    □Participated in online Lecture Series Let’s get diverse-towards sustainable development after crisis-part I from 15 June to 14 July 2020

    □Participated in online Lecture Series Let’s get diverse-towards a sustainable development after crisis-part II from 16. July to 19 August 2020

    □ Participated in the 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering ICRIE

    2020, from 9th -10 September 2020, Kurdistan Region-Iraq

    □ Participated in the virtual course (Applications of Forensic Science), from 14-19 September,


    □ Participated in the online seminar about the nutritional Problems of the intensively managed

    animals, 29 September 2020, College of Basraha Veterinary Medicine

    □ Participated in an online workshop under the title Alternatives to chemical fungicides for the

    control of citrus post-harvest diseases and characterization of novel plant viruses in the era of advanced molecular detection technology, 25,1,2021/ Faculty of Agriculture, Pakistan

    □ Participated in an online workshop under the title Resistance of Bacteria to Antibiotics and

    Detection of the morphological appearance and by a molecular study from 23-25/5/2021/College of Science/Mosul University

    □ Participated in an online workshop under the title Exploring Two-Photon Absorption, 9th June

    2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in an online workshop under the title Environment, 10th June 2021 Chemistry

    Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □Participated in an online workshop under the title Competitive research projects, 16th June 2021/Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □Participated in an online workshop under the title uses and role of My view board for developing

    electronic Teaching, 15th June 2021/ Tikrit University

    □ Participated in an online workshop under the title Mucormycosis (Black fungus) between

    scientific facts and myths, 13th June 2021/ Biology Department/College of Science/University

    of Basrah

    □ Participated in an online workshop under the title awareness of Sickle cell anemia disease, 23 June,

    2021/ Medical Laboratories Biotechnology. University of Al Maarif.

    □ Participated in an online scientific webinar under the title mental arithmetic methods for adults, 24th June 2021/ IFAD

    □ Participated in online an online scientific webinar under the title techniques for preparing

    scientific research for publication, 28th June/ IFAD

    □ Participated in an online workshop under the title Optimizing superparamagnetic Iron Oxide

    Nanoparticles design for DNA Vaccine delivery, 30th June 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in 1st National Tishk Pharmaceutical Conference (NTPC) on ‘Paradigm shift in Drug Discovery and Development, 26-27th June 2021/ Faculty of Pharmacy, University of


    □ Participated in an online workshop under the title Coronavirus: treatment and vaccine, 3 July,

    2021/ College of Pharmacy/ University of Kufa

    □ Participated in an online conference under the title Zoonotic disease, 6th July 2021/ College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad

    □ Participated in an online conference under the title World Zoonoses Day, 3rd August 2021/

    College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad

    □ Participated in an online conference under the title Psychological consequences of COVID-19, 8th August 2021/ Bayan University, Erbil

    □Participated in an online scientific webinar entitled Communication skills and scientific research, 3 September 2021/ IFAD

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on Nanocomposite materials and their applications for green chemistry and energy, 4th September 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of

    Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on Green polymers and sustainable materials, 8th

    September 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □Participated in the online conference on 1st scientific conference of the college of health sciences, Hawler Medical University, 6-8 September 2021

    □Participated in the electronic workshop on surface functionalization of aluminas for adsorption

    and biocatalysis, 22nd September 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of


    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on resistant organic pollutants (POPS) in the indoor

    environment, 20th October 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on how to use the scientific publisher “Jove”, on 14 October

    2021/ Medical laboratories Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □Participated in the electronic workshop on Zoonotic diseases, 26 November 2021/ Institute of genetic engineering, Baghdad University

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on modern methods of combating termites on, 27th

    November 2021/ ministry of youth and sport, directorate general of scientific welfare

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on Types of genetic variations and their importance, 1st December 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on separation method in analytical chemistry, 8th

    December 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □Participated in the electronic workshop on integrating the management of irrigation and fertilization

    under protective cultivation conditions, 15th December 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of

    Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on original scientific publishing at the first level, 22nd

    December 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop extraction techniques of medicinal plants, 29th

    December 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on applied of climate-smart agriculture approach for agricultural development sustainability of Arabic countries, 5th January 2022/ Chemistry

    Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on fungal mycotoxins and mycotoxicosis, on 12th January,

    2022/December 2021/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on chemical, biological, and radiological safety and

    security, 16th January 2022 / Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on basics of coating and nanocoating technology, 26th January 2022/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

    □ Participated in the electronic workshop on scientific researchers' tools in the digital

    environment, 29th January 2022/ Chemistry Department/College of Science/University of Basrah

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