Election specialist: "Iraqi Federal Court Has No Authority to Alter Kurdistan Parliament Seats"
April 2, 2024, 9:27 a.m.

DUHOK, Kurdistan Region - March 28, 2024

In a collaborative symposium organized by the College of Political Sciences at the University of Duhok and STEP Organization, the election specialists and experts convened to dissect the complexities surrounding Kurdistan Regional Elections and scrutinize the involvement of the Iraqi Federal Court. The symposium, marked by rigorous analysis and scholarly discourse, illuminated the intricate dynamics shaping Kurdistan's electoral landscape.

Dilgash Sadiq, a distinguished specialist in electoral law, set the tone by asserting that recent alterations and Federal Court rulings regarding parliamentary seats stem from political disputes between Kurdish parties. Sadiq unequivocally stated that the Iraqi Federal Court lacks the jurisdiction to tamper with Kurdistan Parliament seats or encroach upon its legislative authority.

As discussions unfolded, Sarbast Amedi, head of STEP Organization, underscored the paramount importance of a transparent electoral framework. Amedi emphasized the necessity of upholding the autonomy of the Election Commission and ensuring fair and inclusive electoral processes devoid of any hint of manipulation.

Dr. Hawar Nerwayi, Dean of the College of Political Sciences, provided valuable insights into the political motives underlying the Federal Court's interventions. Dr. Nerwayi cautioned against external agendas seeking to undermine Kurdistan's autonomy, highlighting challenges such as sectarianism and unbalanced federalism.

The symposium, held at the esteemed Peshmerga Hall, served as a vibrant forum for academic exchange, attracting active participation from university students, faculty members, and distinguished guests. The presence of the University Rector further facilitated an open dialogue, enabling students to directly engage with the panelists and delve deeper into the nuances of Kurdistan's electoral landscape.

UOD Media

Sabah Atrushi

Translation: Ismat Khabour