International Scientific Conference on the Genocide of the Kurdistan Nation: The Genocide of Faily Kurds
Oct. 27, 2022, 1:13 p.m.

Genocide is the biggest crime that can be done against nations, a large number of these offences have been recorded as a black spot in history, they can never be forgotten and even time cannot heal the wounds because it is done in an inhuman way and those who are responsible are racists, chauvinists, and hold wrong ideals. World development has not yet become an obstacle in the way of committing genocide because these crimes have been repeated many times. Up until now the risks of it happening again has been felt in different parts of the world.

The genocide of the Faily Kurds was a brutal and devastating attack, the successive Iraqi regimes carried out actions against the Failis in several stages, culminating in the Ba’ath regime’s brutality in which hundreds of thousands of Failis were displaced, thousands went missing and many cities and towns were destroyed, it was the only raid that took place in the cities of Iraq and witnessed by the Iraqi cultural, civil, academic and political centers, the entire Iraqi elite was closely aware of the raid, in fact this brutal attack exposes Iraq’s extremism and chauvinism.

After the fall of the Ba’ath regime, the Iraqi authorities have prevented the victims of the Faily Kurdish genocide from being paid their rights, until this day, the details of this inhuman attack remain a mystery, thousands of people are missing and their fate remains unknown, tens of thousands are still living in Iran and other countries, and they have not received their citizenship rights, their properties are still confiscated and their property issues have not been resolved. The measures that were taken by the institutions were not successful in healing even a small part of the suffering of the Faily Kurds and in revealing the truth, the secrets, the dimensions and the aspects concerning this crime.

This international conference sheds light on the different aspects of this brutal raid, academics and thinkers exchange their opinions in order to find a solution for the victims and formulating perspectives to prevent these crimes from happening again.

Revealing the truth to achieve justice


  • Defining and introducing all aspects of this crime to the whole world.
  • Shedding light on this genocide from various fields of science.
  • Documenting numerous aspects of this crime.
  • Identifying the historical and legal responsibilities of this offence.
  • Presenting this crime in academic centers and encourage experts and researchers to research different dimensions and aspects of this offence.
  • Igniting and reorganizing academic efforts in and collecting the field of genocide studies to internationalize this issue.
  • Understanding the Faily Kurds’ situation and providing help and support to them.
  • A prospective view on the after-effects of the Faily Kurds genocide and its dimensions.
  • Strengthening Kurdistan’s position as a world center for genocide research.

Conference Scopes

Political and intellectual scopes

Legal scopes

Historical scopes

Social and cultural scopes

Economic scopes

Theoretical and Executional scopes

Psychological scopes

Geographical scopes

The media scopes

The scopes of the state of Faily Kurds Diaspora

Gender scopes

Religious and sectarian scopes

For detailed themes and scopes visit

Abstract Submission Deadline December 1st , 2022

Full Paper Submission Deadline February 1st , 2023

Conference Date April (4-5-6)th , 2023

Confirmation of Acceptance

March 1st , 2023

Conference Date

April (4-5-6)th, 2023

The abstract submission is now Open and researchers are welcomed to submit their abstracts through the webpage of the conference

all abstracts will be reviewed by a minimum of tow specialized academics. Submitted articles must not been published elsewhere.

Selected full papere will be published in one of the partener journals (free of charge). Other accepted articles will be published in the conference proceeding book, registration is free for participante and resesrchers. The researchers will be supported financially TO ATTEND THE CONFERENCE