3rd Annual Symposium Explores Fascinating Chapters in Medical History
March 17, 2024, 10:59 a.m.

The University of Duhok's College of Medicine hosted its highly anticipated 3rd annual symposium on the captivating saga of medical history. On March 9th, 2024, scholars, medical professionals, and students congregated at the university's premises to unravel the intricate tapestry of medical evolution through the ages.

With the esteemed Dr. Dildar Haji, Dean of the College of Medicine, overseeing the proceedings, the symposium began with a heartfelt welcome address. Joining us were Dr. Dawood Sulaiman Atrushi, President of the University of Duhok, and Dilshad Abdul Jabbar Haleem, Vice President of University of Duhok for Administrative and Financial Affairs. Subsequently, Sabhan Khairi from the Kurdistan Student's Union delivered a stirring speech, emphasizing the importance of commemorating medical history in the region.

The event's agenda unfolded with a thought-provoking short film, shedding light on the rich history of medicine in Duhok. Attendees were then treated to a theatrical presentation depicting the legendary tale of Alexander Fleming and his serendipitous discovery of penicillin, a breakthrough that revolutionized modern medicine.

As the morning progressed, the symposium transitioned into a series of enlightening presentations, each delving into a different facet of medical history. Dr. Ali Abdulghani navigated the annals of time, exploring the history of gastrointestinal endoscopy. Meanwhile, Dr. Bayar Ahmed embarked on a quest to unravel the secrets behind the discovery of cortisone, a wonder drug that has transformed medical practice.

In another corner of the auditorium, Dr. Azad Halem regaled the audience with anecdotes of strange medical practices, offering glimpses into the curious rituals of bygone eras. Dr. Amer Abdullah shed light on the history of newborn screening, underscoring its pivotal role in early intervention and disease prevention.

The symposium reached its zenith with an exhibition of posters developed by College of Medicine students, each poster a testament to the enduring legacy of medical discovery. Titles such as "Live, strive to death," "Unraveling the mysteries of prions," and "Changing lives forever: the remarkable discovery of Insulin" adorned the walls, inviting attendees to embark on a visual journey through the annals of medical history.

As the symposium drew to a close, attendees departed with a renewed appreciation for the triumphs and tribulations that have shaped the course of medical progress. Dr. Dildar Haji expressed his gratitude to all participants and reaffirmed the College of Medicine's commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of medical history among future generations of healthcare professionals.

The history of medicine is both a study of medicine throughout history and a multidisciplinary area of study that tries to research and comprehend medical practices throughout human communities, both past and contemporary. So, when did medical practice begin? And who were the first physicians? While there are no simple answers to these concerns, there is evidence from prehistoric civilizations that 'treatments' for common illnesses were sought, but superstition and religious beliefs were frequently mixed in.

Yet, the title "doctor" did not appear in Britain until the 14th century, and it was mainly used to refer to theologians and individuals who could "teach." Working in the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci made significant contributions to our understanding of human anatomy through meticulous sketches generated following rigorous dissection of human bodies. The well-known physician William Harvey made an important discovery in the 17th century: the heart pumps blood around the body. Yet, the concept of the four humours in the body - blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile - persisted, with much sickness attributed to an imbalance in these. What makes these all interesting is looking into the history of medicine from an Iraqi / Kurdish evolutionary perspective.


UOD Media; March 9, 2024