May 22, 2024, 12:06 p.m.

Assist Prof. Dr. Jian Salam Hasan presented a seminar related to scientific research published in the journal of University of Duhok, Vol 26, No, 2 (Agri. And Vet. Sciences) Pp 90-98.2023.

The seminar was entitled as:

Protective effects of crude flavonoids and alkaloids extracts of Matricaria chamomila L. Against pentylentetrazol induced convulsions.

Location: Seminars Hall – College of Vet Medicine

Date and time : May 21-2024 at 12:00 pm

Aims of the study:

The present study was carried out to investigate the impact of the crude flavonoids extract administrated orally for six consecutive days followed by a single intra-peritoneal injection of crude alkaloids of chamomile flower in chicks PTZ-induced convulsions, and evaluating the effects of these extracts on the behavior alteration, the brain tissue neurotransmitters, and the antioxidant and oxidative stress parameters, as well as on some electrolyte parameters and glucose level in the serum.

Findings and conclusions:

It was observed that the groups pretreated with crude flavonoids along with crude alkaloids extract resulted in delaying the onset of convulsive seizures as well as reduced in mortality rate. The groups pretreated with the higher doses of both crude flavonoids and alkaloids extract (80 mg/kg) showed significant increasing in brain GABA (inhibitory neurotransmitter) and decreasing in glutamate level (exitatory neurotransmitter) in brain tissue. The results demonstrated that combination of crude flavonoids and alkaloids extracts (80 mg/kg) caused significant elevation in CAT (antioxidant enzyme) and reduction in 8-isoprostane (end-product of lipid peroxidation).

It was concluded that the combination of 80 mg/kg crude flavonoids extract along with crude alkaloids extract had mild to moderate anticonvulsant and antioxidant effects. The study suggests that combined administration of these extracts potentially reduce the seizure threshold and oxidative damage


Studying the effects of crude flavonoids and alkaloids extracts of M. chamomilla L. at higher doses than those used in this experimental study, and evaluating their effects on dose dependent manner.

This is the link to the study: