Happiness Hormones
June 2, 2024, 1:23 p.m.

Assist Prof. Dr. Jian Salam Hasan presented an important social seminar related to Happiness Hormones that affect directly on the human well-being.
Location: Seminars Hall – College of Vet Medicine
Date and time: May 28-2024 at 11:30 am

Aims of the study:
Learning effective methods and techniques to stimulate production of “happiness hormones” that result in happiness, peace, and vitality.

The presenter started the seminar providing a definition of happiness as an emotional state characterized by positive feelings, life satisfaction, social interaction, and goals in life.
Happiness also means health or mental wellbeing. Happiness underlying factors are:
1- Endogenic factors: (biological, cognitive and personality).
2- Exogenic factors: (behavioral, economical, geographical, life events).
Hormones are chemicals produced by different glands across the body. They travel through the bloodstream, acting as messengers and playing a part in many body processes. One of these important functions helping regulate the mood. Certain hormones are known to help promote positive feelings, including happiness and pleasure. These are called “happy hormones”. Whenever these hormones are secreted in the body it feels good. Hence, they are also called “feel-good hormones”.
There are four hormones which determine a human's happiness.
1. Oxytocin 2. Serotonin 3. Dopamine 4. Endorphins.
Dr. Jian was enthusiastic to explain the material in details, the secretion and effect of each hormone were explained separately and then ways to increase secretion of happiness hormones.
Ways to Increase Happiness Hormones
1- Handshake and Hugs: studies recommend connecting and talking with kids, families and friends, making eye contacts, a hug, pat on the shoulder and even shaking hands to boost the levels of oxytocin.
2- Get Social: it is important to make time for social interactions. Social connectivity triggers the release of oxytocin. Our role in social circles may also influence the serotonin levels.
3- Create Chance to Celebrate: as human beings, we all aim to and love to win. Celebrating a win releases a flow of dopamine into our system.
4- Cultivate Positive thoughts: to increase serotonin, stay positive, remember happy events, thereby diverting an individual from negative thinking.
5- Gifting: studies showed that receiving gifts raised oxytocin.
6- Laugh and Humor: we have often heard that laughter is the best medicine. The process of laughter boosts the immune system, drops the stress hormone and increases happiness by producing higher levels of endorphins.
7- Get adequate exposure to bright light and sunlight: Bright light and sunlight exposure boost production of serotonin levels. Also sunlight exposures can increase the levels of dopamine.
8- Exercise and Meditation: studies have shown that exercise increases multiple neurotransmitters (serotonin, endorphin and dopamine) these causes a fast improvement in our moods. Research suggests that meditation helps in increased level of dopamine.
9- Aromatherapy: smell of vanilla and lavender has been linked with the production of endorphins. Smell of lavender is associated with decreased anxiety and improved mood.

In conclusion Oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins help promote mood, emotions, health, happiness and pleasure while reducing depression, sadness and anxiety. You can give these feel-good hormones a natural boost with some simple activities. So, it is simple to hug your kids and families to boost oxytocin, we need to be nice to others to get serotonin, we have to accomplish little goals and get dopamine, and we have to exercise every day to get endorphins. When we are happy, we can deal with our challenges and problems better