Presenting a Workshop
May 28, 2024, 9:32 p.m.

A workshop entitled “Diverse Types of Scientific Articles Published in Academic Journals” was held in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Duhok

On Thursday, May 23, 2024, under the supervision of the deanery office of the college of pharmacy and in the presence of the respected dean of the college “Dr. Suzan Omer Rasool” and a number of academic staff from the colleges of Pharmacy and Dentistry, A workshop entitled “Diverse Types of Scientific Articles Published in Academic Journals” was presented by:


Dr. Burhan Abdullah Zaman

PhD Physiology


The objective of this workshop was to provide participants with a clear understanding of the various types of scientific articles published in academic journals. By exploring the distinct characteristics, purposes, and structures of these articles, attendees will be better equipped to select the appropriate type for their research, critically evaluate scientific literature, and effectively contribute to academic discourse.