Academic Staff

                                        Adil Abozaid Eissa
Adil Abozaid Eissa Head of Department
  • 2019 FRCPath-Haematology, Royal College of Pathologist, U.K.
    2009 FIBMS Pathology (Hematology), Iraqi Board for Medical Specialization, Iraq
    2001 MBChB, General Medicine and Surgery, University of Duhok/College of Medicine, Iraq

  • 1. Al-Allawi N, Eissa AA, Jubrael J, Jamal SA, Hamamy H. Prevalence and Molecular characterization of G6PD deficient variants in the Kurdish population of Northern Iraq. BMC blood disorders 2010; 10:6.
    2. Eissa AA, Muhammed FA, Mohammed AI, Al-Allawi N, Jalal SD, Jubrael JM. Prevalence and molecular characterization of G6PD deficient variants in Sulymania province – Iraq. Duhok medical journal. 12/2011; 5(2):69-75.
    3. Al-Musawi BMS, Al-Allawi N, Abdul-Majeed BA, Eissa AA, Jubrael JMS, Hamamy H (2012). Molecular Characterization of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient variants in Baghdad city-Iraq. BMC blood disorders 2012, 12:4.
    4. Othman AA, Eissa AA, Markous RD, Ahmed BD, Al-Allawi NA (2014). Hepatitis C Virus genotypes in Multiply transfused Haemoglobinopathy patients in Northern Iraq. Asian J Transfusion Science. 8(1): 32-34.
    5. Kashmoola MA, Eissa AA, Al-Takay DT, Al-Allawi NA. Molecular characterization of G6PD deficient variants in Nineveh Province, Northwestern Iraq. Indian J Hematology and Blood Transfusion 2015 March; issue 1; vol 31: pp 133-6. (5 year IF 0.39)
    6. Eissa AA, Kashmoola MA, Atroshi SD, Al-Allawi NA.Molecular characterization of B-thalassemia in Nineveh province illustrates the relative heterogeneity of Mutation Distributions in Northern Iraq. Indian J Hematology and Blood Transfusion 2015 Jun; issue 2; vol 31; 213-7. (5 year IF 0.39)
    7. Eissa AA. ABO and Rh Blood groups polymorphism among the kurds of Duhok,Iraq. Duhok Medical Journal2014.8(1):1-8.
    8. Al-Allawi NA, Al-Doski AA, Markous RS, Mohamad AKA, Eissa AA, Badi AI, Asmaro RR, Hamamy H. Premarital Screening for hemoglobinopathies: experience of a single center in Kurdistan, Iraq. Public Health Genomics 2015 ; 18(2): 97-103. (5 year IF 2.2)
    9. Sulaiman DM, Mohammad JB, Sulaiman S and Eissa AA. The spectrum of MEFV gene mutations among Kurdish patients suspected to have Familial Mediterranean Fever from Duhok/Iraq. Journal of University of Duhok (Pure and Eng. Sciences), 2016; 19(1): 78-82.
    10. Eissa AA, Markous RD, Yahya NB, Al-Allawi NA. Hemoglobin F modulation in sickle cell disease: Experience in a single center in Iraqi Kurdistan. J Appl Hematol 2016;7:85-9.
    11. Eissa AA, Hasan AM, Sulaiman DM. CLinico-pathological profile of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia from Duhok/Iraq. Duhok Med J 2016; 10 (2): 47-55.
    12. Eissa AA. The effect of vitamin K epoxide reductase complex and cytochrome P450 gene polymorphism on warfarin dose among Kurdish patients in Duhok-Iraq. Duhok Med J 2016; 10 (2): 77-86.
    13. Salih D, Bakir N, Eissa AA , Al-Allawi N. Clinical and cytogenetic profile in patients with Down syndrome in Duhok province, Iraq. Medical Journal of Babylon 2017; 14 (2): 389 – 401.
    14. Eissa AA, Rasool Ch, Mustafa M. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (C677T and A1298C) polymorphisms and hyperhomocysteinemia as risk factors for Myocardial Infarction. INDIAN J. BIOCHEM. BIOPHYS. 2019; 56:321-324.
    15. Eissa AA, Haji BA, Al-Doski AA. G6PD deficiency prevalence as a cause of neonatal jaundice in a neonatal ward in Dohuk, Iraq. Am J Perinatol 2019; DOI
    16. Saeed WH, Eissa AA, Al-Doski AA. Impact of TP53 gene promoter methylation on chronic lymphocytic leukemia pathogenesis and progression. J Blood Med 2019:10 399–404.
    17. Rasheed BN, Eissa AA. Impact of IL-1Ra gene polymorphism on the etiology and fate of disease in children with immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Journal of Immunology Research 2021; Article ID 7505673; .
    18. Eissa AA, Mirza SS. The relevance of helicobacter pylori infection to iron deficiency anemia in Duhok city. Iraqi JMS 2021; 19(1): 33-38.
    19. Atroshi SD, Al-Allawi N, Eissa AA. Updated molecular spectrum of β-thalassemia mutations in Duhok province, Northern Iraq: ethnic variation and the impact of immigration, Hemoglobin 2021; 45(4): 239-244. DOI: .
    20. Eissa AA. COVID-19 Disease and Associated Thrombocytopenia: Pathogenesis and a Clue to the Etiology. Diagnostics. 2022; 12(5):1038.
    21. Abdulrahman HJ, Eissa AA. Health-related quality of life among hemophilic adult patients from Iraq/Duhok. Iraqi J Hematol 2022;11:38-44. DOI: 10.4103/ijh.ijh_48_21.

  • Hematology (Benign hematology, Malignant Hematology, Hemostasis, Transfusion Medicine)
    Bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapy
    Molecular Biology

  • Undergraduate student at medical college
    postgraduate students in Hematopathology and clinical hematology (H.D, M.Sc, Ph.D)
    Supervision of postgraduate students (H.D, M.Sc, Ph.D)

  • A. Master in science: 3 students.
    a. Frequency and molecular characterization of G6PD in Erbil- 2012.
    b. Clinical and Cytogenetic profile in patients with Down’s syndrome in Duhok province- 2015.
    c. Methylene tetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T polymorphism by PCR-RFLP in patients with Myocardial infarction in Duhok/Iraq- 2015.

    B. Iraqi Board Student:
    a. Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency and neonatal Indirect hyperbilirubinemia in Duhok.
    b. The relevance of Helicobacter pylori infection to iron deficiency anemia in Duhok city.
    c. Health Related Quality of Life Among Hemophilic Patients from Iraq/Duhok.
    d. Haematological parameters of iron deficiency anaemia among infants and their correlation with the psychosocial developments.

    C. Ph.D. Students:
    a. DNA methylation of apoptosis and angiogenesis related genes as response biomarkers in various chemotherapeutic treated CLL patients.
    b. Childhood Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Microbial and molecular study.
    c. Molecular characterization of Hemophilia A in Duhok, Iraq

  • Head of Pathology Departement - college of Medicine
    Head of Examination Committe - college of Medicine
    Head of Bologna process - college of Medicine.
    Member of Scientific committee - college of Medicine, University of Duhok
    Editorial in chief, assistant - Duhok Medical College
    Member of Editorial board - Journal of university of Duhok
    Lecturer (Clinical Foundation Skill -1; Integrative Module-3, Hematology block -6)
    National assessor of medical college in Iraq (NCAMC- assessor).
    member of accreditation committee - college of medicine, college of medicine
    member of curriculum committee - college of medicine, college of medicine

    Training Courses:
    A. Training course on flowcytometry in Rome /Italy from 2nd February 2011 to 3rd March 2011 for 1 month
    B. Training at the Medical Genetic laboratories, college of science, university of Duhok on Molecular DNA technologies.
    C. Training course on medical cytogenetics and Karyotyping in Malaysia from 13/9/2012 to 9/10/2012.
    D. Training course in Clinical Haematology and bone marrow transplantation in King’s College Hospital, London from 18/10/2017 till 8/4/2018.

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