Discussion of Master Thesis for the student (Mohammed Samyan Nayef) Postgraduate student in (Oral Surgery) Branch of College of Dentistry was held
Dec. 7, 2023, 5:14 p.m.

On December 7, 2023, a discussion of the master thesis for the student (Mohammed Samyan Nayef) a postgraduate student in (Oral Surgery) Branch of College of Dentistry, was held. The discussion committee consisted of the following:

‏1. Prof. Dr. Omed Ekram Shihab/ College of Dentistry/ Hawler Medical University (Chariman).

‏2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Wafaa Khalil Abd/ College of Dentistry/ University of Mosul (Member).

‏3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Sabrya Najeeb Ibrahem/ College of Dentistry/ University of Duhok (Member).

‏4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Jiyar Mohammed Naji/ Technical College of Health/ Duhok Polytechnic University (Member and Supervisor).