University Policy Office
May 26, 2024, 9:03 a.m.

The University's Policy Hub: UPLO
The University of Duhok is committed to providing a clear and consistent framework for its operations. The University Policy Office (UPLO) serves as the central hub for all university policies, acting as the authoritative body to oversee, manage, and coordinate their entire lifecycle.
What does UPLO do?

  • Maintains Up-to-Date Policies: UPLO ensures all university policies are current, consistent, and aligned with the university's strategic goals.
  • Centralized Repository: It functions as a central repository for all university policies, making it easy for faculty, staff, and students to find the information they need.
  • Ensures Compliance: UPLO plays a vital role in fostering transparency and adherence to university regulations across colleges, schools, and departments.

Importance of UPLO:
While individual departments may have their own specific procedures, adhering to the system-wide regulations outlined on the UPLO website is crucial. This ensures consistency in policy implementation, promoting a cohesive university environment.
Visit UPLO Website:
For comprehensive and reliable information on university policies, please visit the official UPLO website at