Brainstorming and Community Peace Approaches Workshops
نوفمبر 15, 2019, 6:17 م

Originally, the project intended to conduct two brainstorming workshops for two groups of diverse youth, with the goal of identifying peace drivers. However, remaining funding from other activities allowed CPCRS to host an additional two brainstorming workshops in order to involve more participants.

The one-day workshops addressed the concepts and practices of peace as well as violence and peace drivers.Participants were encouraged to think of and explore drivers of peace in their schools, communitiesand country. CPCRS facilitators helped participants identify and address challenges to drivers of peace, as well as the role and responsibility that young people in particular have in creatively overcoming challenges.

The first brainstorming workshop was conducted on March 29, 2016 at Derek School in Domiz camp for refugees. The second brainstorming workshop was conducted the same date at Rezgary Cultural Center in Domiz Town. Thirty-two students attended both workshops (16 each); 13 participants were refugees (four male, ninefemale) and mainly from Derek School. The rest of the participants were from the host community and Domiz Camp neighborhood, including representatives of Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian, Muslim and Yazidi communities (11 male, 8 female. Rezgary Cultural Center in Domiz facilitated the selection of the second workshop's participants.

The other two brainstorming workshops, held on May 25, were conducted for youth mentors. The third brainstorming workshop conducted at JagarKhoin Cultural Center in Domiz Camp for Refugees, and the fourth brainstorming workshop conducted at Rezgary Cultural Center in Domiz Town. 32 youth peer mentors were participated in both workshops (31 males, 33 females), 30 were Iraqi and 34 were refugees.

The first Community Peace Approaches workshop was held at BarookhHigh School, which has noticeable ethnic and religious diversity among its students. A total of 25 students (11 male, 14 female) participated in the workshop, 12 of which were from Barookh School and 13 of which were from Derek School for Syrian refugees. The three-day workshops addressed the concepts and practices of peace, violence, diversity, pluralism, approaches of conflict resolution and Do No Harm in the first two days. On the third day, which came one week after the conclusion of day two, participating students discussed their personal activities related to peace-building. In addition, the students learned about the roles of the Third Side and conducted activities to enforce what they learned. This workshop was held on 30-31/3/2016 and 7/04/2016.