
The pressing need of both the College of Basic Education-Amedi and the Technical Institute in Amedi and the Directorate of Education in Amedi for establishing departments focused on scientific and human sciences
Feb. 21, 2024, 10:07 a.m.

14-15/2/2024, the college of Basic education-Amedi and Technical Institute in Amedi held a workshop entitled The Pressing Need of both the College of Basic Education-Amedi and the Technical Institute in Amedi and the Directorate of Education in Amedi for establishing departments focused on Scientific and human sciences.

The primary goal of this workshop is pressure. This workshop aims to facilitate meaningful dialogue and collaboration towards fulfilling this crucial requirement through intellectual discourse and the exchange of expertise.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together three important educational institutions the College of Basic Education-Amedi (affiliated with the University of Dohuk), the Technical Institute of Amedi (affiliated with Duhok Polytechnic University), and the Directorate of Education in Amedi. Through collaboration and idea sharing, we aim to meet the educational, social, cultural, and marketing needs of the Amedi District.

To assess the district's requirement for new academic skills and capacities to address existing educational gaps and academic needs.

To bridge the gap between what students, need and what academic institutions offer, especially in improving job opportunities after graduation.

To assess the necessity of opening new academic departments within the district to meet its requirements and fulfill its needs.