إبريل 23, 2018, 2:56 م

The First Scientific Forum

“Research and humanitarian studies Centers in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq between the reality and ambition“

Date :25 – 26 April 2018

Location : Conference Hall /Duhok University


Forum Objectives

1. To identify the reality of the work of the research and humanitarian studies centers in the region and highlight the problems that they faced.
2. Mechanisms for activating the role of research and humanitarian studies Centers in the work of State institutions and decision makers.
3. How to support research centers from government, non-government actors and investors.


Forum Fields

1. Research and humanities centers (foundations, objectives, structural).
2. The reality and mechanisms of the work of research centers in the region
3. Mechanisms for activating the role of the centers in support and decision
4. Mechanisms of financial support for research centers