A workshop was held in the small group of students of medical college.
Feb. 12, 2024, 10:42 a.m.

Today at the conference center of Duhok University, medical college or Dohok University, with the increase in progress of the students of the ninth scientific and the center of the students during the universities of the students.

How much are you in this door, Dr. Dildar Haji Musa, the medical college has been appointed as a medical college, it will implement more methods of teaching students by small groups, so as to the extent of teaching, the students will be contributed to the students and students will become centers, because the number of students in DV will have four to six students. There are some of the importance of teaching students of medical college.

Harusa, the medical college said: Because students and teachers are not teaching the ninth grade, the medical college or the university of Dohuk, the first college in the region of Kurdistan to have a special part of medical learning, and the continuity of the various workshops for teachers and medical students.