Sept. 3, 2018, 5:33 p.m.
Scholarships Highlights

Since the University of Duhok established in 1992 until 2006 there was no significant programs for sending students abroad to obtain Higher Education degrees except some privet attempts.

The real step towards this goal started in 2006 depending on:


  •   Privet Expenses.
  •   Limited Financial Support from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
  •    International programs Such as Fulbright.
  •   Memorandums of Understanding with foreign Universities or Research Centers.


In 2007 two important Programs are announced:


  •   Erasmus Mundus:     Funded by European Union, The University of Duhok was the only Iraqi partner for 3 years.
  •   Scholarships from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Baghdad


Funded by the Central Government.

In 2010 the most important Program of scholarships is started:

The Human Capacity Development Program HCDP is the stimulating program that announced from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Erbil, Funded from Kurdistan Regional Government. 


Establishment of Directorate of Scholarships In 2011:

The University of Duhok is committed to provide its students with opportunities to pursue their postgraduate studies and occasionally undergraduate studies at international universities. Therefore the decision is made to establish the Directorate of Scholarships as individual department due to the growing need to significant services; the directorate is decided to work under the supervision of the Vice President of International Relations Office then after several years the supervision transferred to the Vice President of Higher Studies and Scientific Research.  The Scholarship Directorate is responsible for helping students with the applications process and the administrative issues as monitoring their progress during their study abroad. This department deals directly with the different programs and scholarships that are available to the staff or students who wish to pursue higher education abroad.