Academic Staff

                                        Dr. Assel Anwer Ibrahem
Dr. Assel Anwer Ibrahem None
Assistant Profesor
Internal and Preventive Medicine
  • PhD in clinical pathology, Duhok University / Iraq
    MSc in internal and preventive medicine / Mosul university / Iraq
    BSc in Veterinary medicine and surgery / Mosul university / Iraq

  • -Mixed parasitic infection on native mountain goats (big Horne goats) of Duhok area. Bas. J. Vet. Res.Vol.6, No. 2, 2007.
    - Comparative study on cattle sarcocystosis diagnostic techniques in Duhok Governorate Bas. J. Vet. Res. Vol.7, No.2, 2008
    - Prevalence of Salmonellosis in buffaloes in Ninavha governorate with references to pathological effect of isolated S.typhimurium in rats. Iraqi J. Vet. Sci. Vol. 18, No. 2. 2004.
    - Effect of Brucella Melitensis on the serum lipids profiles in ewes. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 60 No. 142 July 2014.
    - Molecular detection of brucellosis in aborted fetuses in small ruminants. 1st International Veterinary Conference in Kurdistan. College of Veterinary Medicine- Duhok University. 2014.
    - Seroprevalence of brucellosis in aborted small ruminants in Duhok. 1st International Veterinary Conference in Kurdistan. College of Veterinary Medicine- Duhok University. 2014
    - A study of some pathological lesions in the lung of sheep in Duhok abattoir. Bas.J.Vet.Res.Vol.14,No.2,2015 ISI Impact Factor:3.461
    - Study of hematological and blood biochemical parameters in cats experimentally infected with Toxocara cati. Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 62 No. 148 January 2016.

  • Animal diseases (small and large animals)

  • ● Teaching postgraduate students.
    ● Teaching undergraduate courses in veterinary clinic 5th year class, as
    well as medicine and clinical pathology for 4th year class.

  • 4 students for MSc
    3 students for PhD

  • ● Member of the Kurdistan Veterinarian Syndicate since 2001.
    ● Member of the Iraqi Veterinarian Syndicate since 1999.
    (membership No. 6646)
    ● Member of the Kurdistan Teachers Union (Membership No. 08243)
    ● Member of the Committee to discuss research graduation for
    students of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
    ● Successfully participated in the DAAD-Summer school "Improvement
    of integrated control measures for infectious diseases through
    distribution of molecular diagnostic tools, training and capacity
    building in Iraq". Research Center Borstel, Borstel, Germany.
    ● In 2001-2003 Supervisor and monitor at Food Agriculture
    Organization (FAO), department of animal health and production.
    ● Teaching postgraduate students.
    ● Teaching undergraduate courses in veterinary clinic 5th year class, as
    well as medicine and clinical pathology for 4th year class.

  •   00964 750 480 6267

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