Academic Staff

                                        QASIM MAHMOOD MOHAMMED ALAMOHAMMED
Assistant professor
Modern Arabic literature/ poetry rhythm
    • 2013 PhD in Arabic Language / Modern Arabic Literature / University of Mosul / Iraq
    • 2008/ MA in Arabic Language/ Modern Arabic Literature/ University of Mosul/ Iraq
    • 2004-2005 / BA in Arabic Language / University of Mosul / Iraq
  • 1-الزمن في شعر صفاء الحيدري آر/3/23 في 8/ 1/ 2023 مجلة آداب الرافدين جامعة الموصل / كلية الآداب قبول نشر

    2-تمظهرات الذات الأنثوية في روايات وفاء عبد الرزاق ( أقصى الجنون الفراغ يهذي، والسماء تعود الى أهلها، ورقصة الجديلة والنهر، وعشر صلوات للجسد)انموذجا آ ر/ 2/23 في 8/1/ 2023 مجلة آداب الرافدين جامعة الموصل / كلية الآداب قبول نشر

    3- مظاهر رومانسية في شعر بيربال محمود ( ديوان همسة العشاق أنموذجا) العدد/63 رقم الفايل:812 في16/ 4/ 2023 مجلة زانكو للعلوم الإنسانية جامعة صلاح الدين _ أربيل شعبة المنشورات العلمية قبول نشر

  • 1- I am interested in modern literature and work on studying the poetic rhythm of poets and its impact on the semantics.

    2- Studying poetry and novels, and following up on their development.

    3- Shedding light on the relationship between poetry and storytelling, and clarifying the dialectic between them.

  • 1- Teaching pre-Islamic literature for the first stage for several years

    2- Teaching prosody and rhyme for the second stage for several years

    3- Teaching Arabic poetry rhythm for the second stage for several years

    4- Teaching Arabic rhetoric for previous years

    5- Teaching modern Arabic literature for previous years

    6- Teaching poetic rhythm for a master's degree

  • 1- I supervised a master's thesis entitled Parallelism in the Poetry of Michael Naima

    2- I supervised a master's thesis entitled Narrative Formation in the Poetry of Safaa Al-Haidari

    3- I supervised a master's thesis entitled Manifestations of the Female Self in the Discourse of Wafaa Abdel-Razzaq the Novelist

  • 1- Member of the examination book repair committee

    2- Participation in a joint workshop between Aqra Education and the College of Education in Aqrah

    3- A member of the committee setting questions for the competitive exam

  •   07517070256

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