ستافێ ئەکادیمی

                                        د. خليل عبدالقادر درويش
د. خليل عبدالقادر درويش Teaching Staff
Assistant Professor
به رهه مي كوشتي
  • دكتورا دبةرهةمى كوشتى دا ، زانكويا دهوك، هةريما كوردستانى، عيراق
    ماسته ر د به رهه م وتكنولوجيا كوشتى ، زانكويا ميسل، عيراق
    بكالوريوس د به رهه مى كيانه وه رىدا زانكويا دهوكـ، هه ريما كوردستانى،عيراق

    1. Oray,K.A.D (2023) The relationship of plasma somatomedin (igf-1) with performance and carcass characteristics of awassi and karadi lambs.IJAS Vol.54.(4)
    2. Khalaf, F. M and Oray, K. A. D. 2021. Growth performance, carcass characteristics and cost of gain of Awassi and Karadi lambs slaughtered at different weight. . Journal of University of Duhok.Vol.24.No.2.
    3. Alkass, J.E ., Oray, K.A.D and Merkhan K. Younis(2019) sheep production. University of Duhok Publication.
    4. Alkass, J.E ., Baker, I.A and Oray, K.A.D (2018). Fatty acid composition of L-Dorsi muscle of intact and castrated kids induced by zeranol implantation. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science – 49 (2) : 205-210.
    5. Baker,I.A., Oray, K.A.D and Hussien,K,N (2015) Effect of thyme leaves extract on quality of lambs and chicken meat during storage. Journal of University of Zakho. Vol.3(A), N0.2.
    6. Alkass, J.E ., Oray, K.A.D and Baker, I.A.(2016). Fatty acid profile of L.dorsi muscle of Awassi and Karadi lambs induced by zeranol implantation. 2nd scientific Agricultural Conference. April 26-27 .2016
    7. Alkass, J.E ., Oray, K.A.D and Baker, I.A.(2015) Effect of genetic group on fatty acid composition in lambs meat. Journal of University of Duhok.Vol.18.No.1.
    8. Baker,I.A., Oray, K.A.D and (2014) Effect of thyme leaves extract on quality of lambs and chicken meat during storage. Food Science and quality management. Vol.27 ISSN 2224-6088.
    9. Alkass, J.E and Oray, K.A.D.(2014) Studies on Growth, Carcass Traits and Body Composition of Goats Raised either in Intensive or Pasture Conditions (2-BodyComposition and Carcass Tissue Distribution). Advances in Life Science and Technology.vol.19. ISSN 2224-7181.
    10. Alkass, J.E and Oray, K.A.D. (2014) Studies on Growth, Carcass Traits and Body Composition of Goats Raised either in Intensive or Pasture Conditions (1-Growth Performance and Carcass Traits) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare.vol4. No 10.
    11. Alkass, J.E and Derwesh, K, A., Merkhan, K.Y.(2014). Performance of docked vs.Undocked fat- tailed sheep : Areview. Advanced journal of Agricultural Research.vol.2.pp.029-037.
    12. Oray, K. A. D (2013) Effect of sex, feeding system and slaughter weight on growth rate and carcass traits of weaned native goat kids in Kurdistan region \Iraq. Ph.D Thesis, University of Duhok, Duhok, Iraq.
    13. Derwesh, KH. A., Merkhan, K.Y and Buti, E.T. (2013) Impact of lactation stage on the body condition and milk quality of Black goat.International Journal of Ariculture and Food Research. Vol.2No.2, pp.48-52.
    14. Dahal, I.M. and Derwesh, KH. A. (2009) Effect of body condition score of Hamdani and Karadi ewes on their reproductive and meat productivity of their lambs. Mesopotamia J. of Agric. Vol.( 39 ) No. ( 3 ).
    15. Alkass, J.E., Barwary M, S. and Derwesh, KH, A. (2009) Observation on some Reproductive Traits of Local Goats Maintained Under Farm Condition in Duhok Province. J. Duhok Univ.Vol. 12, No.2 (Agri. And Vet. Sciences).
    16. Barwary, KH. A. D. (2006) The Effect of Body Condition Score and Age of Hamdani and Karadi Ewes on their Production Performance and their Lambs Production of Meat. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq.

  • بةرهةم وتكنولوجيا كوشتى

  • University College Department Stage Subject Period No .of h/ weekly
    from To Theo Prac
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 4th Beef cattle production 2006- So far - 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 4th Beef cattle production 2010- So far 2 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 3rd Hygiene of animal production 2009 - - 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 4th Meat science& Technology 2006-2014 - - 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 3rd Meat science 2014 2019 - 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 3rd Meat Technology 2015 2019 - 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 1st Principles of Animal Prod. 2007 So far 2 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 4th Seminar 2006 So far 2
    Dohuk Agriculture Field Crop 2nd Principles of Animal Prod. 2014 2021 2 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Field Crop 2nd Ruminant production. 2016-2018 - 2 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Agri- Extention 3rd Livestock production. 2018-2019 So far 2 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Agri- Extention 4th Animal project design & planning 2019 So far 2 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 3rd Animal housing design 2019 So far 2 6
    Dohuk Agriculture Animal Production 3rd Sheep and goat production 2022 So far 2 6

  • Supervision of MSc. thesis (Fatah M.Khalaf)
    name of thesis :Effect of slaughter weight on growth performance, carcass traits and profitability of Awassi and Karadi lambs ).2020-2022

  • 2008-2009, 2012.2013,
    2014-2015 Lecturer and member in departmental council
    2007 Assistance Supervisor of undergraduate student summer training course in our Department
    2003&2013 Member of College Committee on undergraduate
    student summer training course
    2008 Member of Examination Committee in the college
    2002 Work as a team leader in FAO – Animals survey in duhok region.
    2001-2003 Demonstrator ( Teaching Practical Lecturers ) in Animal Production Dept.
    2013-2014- 2015 Coordinator of Animal Production Department Committee of quality assurance and member of quality assurance committee of Faculty of Agriculture and forestry.
    2013-2014- 2015-2016-2017-
    2018-2019 Member of scientific committee of Animals Production Department.
    2013- 2014 Head of scientific committee supervision of animals projects.
    2014- 2015 Head of scientific committee supervision of student projects.
    2014-2015( 2 years) Head of quality assurance committee of animal production department and member of College committee.
    2015 Member of committee between college of agriculture and investment directorate in Duhok province to create proposals for agriculture development.
    2014- 2015 Member of discussion committee of MSc. Thesis (Effect of implant Zeranol on growth performance and some carcass traits of black goat kids).
    2015-2016 Member of discussion committee of MSc. Proposal ( Genetic and phenotypic parameters for some growth traits in Meraz goat)
    2015-2016 Member of discussion committee of Msr. Thesis (Animal science)
    2016-2020 Head of animal department
    2017-2021 Member of curriculums organizing committee of College of Agricultural Engineering sciences.
    2020-2022 Supervision of MSc. thesis (Fatah M.Khalaf)
    2021-2022 Member of discussion committee of MSc. Thesis (Effect of slaughter weight on growth performance, carcass traits and profitability of Awassi and Karadi lambs ).
    Member of discussion committee of PhD. Thesis in Animal nutrition. Duhok University
    Member of discussion committee of MSc. Thesis in Meat science. Salahadeen University
    Member of discussion committee of MSc. Thesis in Meat production. Duhok University

    - Participate in training English proficiency course, computer proficiency course in training and development center of university of Duhok, 2009.
    - Participate in training of methods of teaching in college of basic education, university of Duhok, 2006.
    - Participate in workshop relate to support local white meat production, Department of animal production, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Duhok 22/6/2014.
    - Participate in workshop about quality assurance organize, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Duhok 1/6/2014.
    - Participate in workshop about (Engineering solution of the risks of Irags water future and humanitarian, disasters between Mismanagement, the policies of neighboring countries, and climate change) held by Iraqi Society for Engineering Management on 22 Feb 2022.
    - Participate in workshop about (Scientific publishing in international Journals) held at University of Diyala, Continuing Education Center on 23and 24th Feb, 2022.
    - Participate in workshop about (Smart Agriculture applcations in Agricultural investment project that support food security in Iraq) held at Animal Production Department, University of Mosul, on 15th Feb, 2022.
    - Participate in workshop about (Technologies towards the future of technology investment in teaching and learning) held at IFAD. Scholars and Academics platform on 1st March, 2022.
    - Participate in Scientifics Webinar about (Defense of Scientifics theses. principles and bases) held via the online platform-zoom application on 11th March,2022 during two hours by IFAD Platform.
    - Participate in Scientifics Webinar about (Stages of scientific supervision) held via the online platform-zoom application on 4th March,2022 during two hours by IFAD Platform.
    - Participate in Scientifics Webinar about (Scientifics supervision of theses and educational supervision of education- principles and methods) held via the online platform-zoom application on 25th Feb, 2022 during two hours by IFAD Platform.
    - Participate in workshop about (Creative teacher) held via the online platform-zoom application, 2022 during two hours by Hima Platform.
    - Participate in workshop about (Al-Anfal and the Kurdish Anfal Operations) held at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok, on 19th May, 2022.

  •   07504018207
      Khalil.oray@uod .ac

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