College of Law

A Scientific Trip to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dohuk
Feb. 15, 2017, 11:34 a.m.

At February 8 2017, law students with a scientific trip to Chamber of commerce We met with a counselor Chamber of Commerce and discussed about the situation of traders and trade in Iraq in general and Kurdistan in particular and all the issues that relate to the Chamber of Commerce. As well as to learn the practical side of the trade law more.

The main objective of this visit is to stand on the practical side of the substance of commercial law, particularly issues related to the commercial register and the names and trademarks, and expressed students about their happiness in this scientific field visit because they have benefited a lot of them, which this leads to upgrading the scientific level of the students, because raising the scientific and academic level is through the study of the theoretical and practical side of the material.