Academic Staff

                                        Dr. Djwar Ahmad Piramis
Dr. Djwar Ahmad Piramis Law Department Reporter
Criminal Law
  • Master in Public Law

  • 1- Duplication of application of the Drug Offence Act between the Centre and the Territory and its impact on its response.
    2-Legislative treatment of murders and harming wrong resulting
    from traffic accidents.
    3- The problem of proving criminal intent (Causes and treatments).
    4- Role of specialized international organizations in combating organized crime emerging.
    5-Criminal confrontation of illicit trafficking in nuclear materials.
    6-Applications of Moral Actor Theory in Crimes resulting from Artificial Intelligence.

  • Criminal law

  • 1- Criminology and punishment.
    2- Criminal investigation and forensic medicine.
    3- Penal Code.
    4- The Code of Due Process.
    5. Tourist and hotel laws.
    6. Real estate registration.
    7- Turkish language.

  • 1- Participation in meetings, activities and television and radio programmes.
    2- Participation in scientific workshops.
    3- Publication of legal topics in local journals.
    4- Management of scientific courses.
    5- Administering legal and administrative work

  •   +9647504118012

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