College of Administration and Economics

seminar about civil action in the law of Iraqi Civil Procedure Code No. 83 of 1969 Seminar was held by haliz ali husin
Feb. 17, 2019, 1:04 p.m.

seminar talked about the civil action in the law of Iraqi Civil Procedure Code No. 83 of 1969. The subject included the definition of the civil lawsuit, its legal terms and conditions for the establishment of the lawsuit mentioned in the law. Then we explained the procedures used to register the case in the courts. Then we talked about the types of rights that can be claimed by the lawsuit and explained the distinction between the civil cases considered by the Court of First Instance, The Court of Labor and the Administrative Court. After that we explained the types of courts of different degrees and types of decisions issued by the Court in civil cases. Finally, we mentioned the guarantees of the validity of litigation contained in the law.