The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program
Oct. 15, 2019, 12:59 p.m.

The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad is pleased to announce the opening of the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for 2020. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, this program is a ten-week non-degree professional and faculty development program to send to the U.S. 25 junior Iraqi scholars. Grantees will be selected from the following disciplines: Business Administration and Economics, TEFL/Linguistics, Engineering, Science and technology.


Who can apply?

-Iraqi citizens, residents of Iraq now and throughout the application process.

- Full-time Iraqi university faculty member who possess, at a minimum, a master’s degree and at least three years of university-level teaching experience or a Ph.D. and no more than eight years of teaching experience.

- Committed to classroom teaching and a desire to strengthen teaching and leadership skills.

- Possess a high proficiency in written and oral English (recommended minimum TOEFL score of 500).

- Must not have applied or be planning to apply for a U.S. green card or asylum status.

- Applicants cannot be dual citizens of the U.S. and Iraq.

- Able to travel to and remain in the U.S. during the dedicated grant period of June through September 2020.

 For more information, visit

To apply directly, visit:


December 01st, 2019